Early Childhood STEM


Research shows that early education is the first phase in the STEM learning continuum. Engaging children early is critical to developing a life-long interest in STEM and building the future STEM workforce for Orange County.

  • Educational experts note that STEM proficiency is crucial to the nations ability to innovate, compete, and maintain its standard of living.
  • STEM competencies include knowledge, skills, and abilities such as active listening, critical thinking, problem solving, and the ability to work collaboratively.
  • In order to maintain Orange County’s innovation and competitive edge in the changing global economy, Orange County jobs will require a higher number of STEM proficient students than what is currently being prepared.
  • Building STEM skills must begin years before a child enters kindergarten. In fact, young children are wired to problem solve and be inquisitive.

What is the Early Childhood STEM Symposium?

A professional development event for early care and education professionals. This one day event aims to highlight the importance of early STEM education to the Orange County community, and ensure Orange County’s early childhood educators have access to STEM-related professional development.