Lead STEM Practitioners 2017-2018

Through a partnership between the Orange County Department of Education and Orange County STEM Initiative, the Lead STEM Practitioner (LSP) Network includes triads of established and emerging teacher leaders from ten Orange County school districts.  Our 30 amazing practitioners represent over 470 years of teaching experience in K-12 education!  District teams were selected through an [...]

Ecosystem Institute – November 2017

Teams gathered for their last Ecosystem Institute session of the 2017 year! The main focus of this day was Instructional Practices & Teacher Qualifications. Teams had the chance to attend various workshops that demonstrated instructional practices and strategies for teaching. All workshops were circuit-based and adapted to 5 main learning levels: High School – [...]

Expanded Learning Summit at the STEM Factory

Expanded Learning Summit at the STEM Factory The Orange County System of Support for Expanded Learning and Power of Discovery: STEM have partnered together to bring a half day of Professional Development to Expanded Learning Programs. Click on the link above to view additional workshop session descriptions. Join us as we: Networking with Peers Engage [...]

Ecosystem Institute – Summer Intensive

Cohort 3 completed their Summer Intensive on July 11 - 13! Topics over the 3 days focused on model ecosystems, early learning, and expanded learning. On the first day of the Intensive, teams were asked to reflect on what their ecosystem means to them, and build a physical representation of what their ecosystem looks like "today". [...]

Orange County STEM Hub – Expanded Learning Summit at the STEM Factory

Half Day of STEM Professional Development with opening and closing sessions and workshop sessions available. Register NOW!  For more information, check out our Flyer! Friday, April 7, 2017, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm – Santa Ana, CA Workshop Sessions to include: NGSS and Expanded Learning and Technology Integration - BreakoutEDU! Incorporating Loose Parts into your Expanded [...]

OC STEM Ecosystem Institute News & Updates- February 2017

District teams gathered for another Institute session on Wednesday, February 8th, focusing on sustainable partnerships within their ecosystem team as well as outside of it with local businesses and more. OC STEM invited a panel of speakers to share their promising practices in cultivating sustainable partnerships. Facilitated by Cinda Muckenthaler from the Children and Families [...]

Orange County STEM Hub- Community of Practice

Focus: Resource Sharing The Communities of Practice (CoP) exists to create a peer network for Expanded Learning staff to share promising practices, develop new ideas and learn from each other. Join us as we discuss a variety of STEM Resources available to those in expanded learning programs. Additionally, we will talk about promising practices in [...]