Orange County STEM Hub – Expanded Learning Summit at the STEM Factory

Half Day of STEM Professional Development with opening and closing sessions and workshop sessions available. Register NOW!  For more information, check out our Flyer! Friday, April 7, 2017, 8:00 am – 12:00 pm – Santa Ana, CA Workshop Sessions to include: NGSS and Expanded Learning and Technology Integration - BreakoutEDU! Incorporating Loose Parts into your Expanded [...]


The Orange County STEM HUB invites you to attend the Orange County STEM Factory Professional Development Day! Come join us for our April Orange County STEM Factory event. Network with peers, hear from guest speakers, and attend break out sessions for Afterschool Program Supervisors and Frontline Staff. Registration Information: Registration is open and free  To [...]

April 15th, 2016|Categories: |Tags: , |