Orange County STEM Hub Updates – July 2018

Power of Discovery: STEM 2017-18 Program Year Data Guest Post By Suzanne Hill Power of Discovery: STEM Project Assistant, Instructional Services Early Learning, Expanded Learning, and Family Support Services Communities of Practice 6 Communities of Practice Meetings 75 different attendees with over attendance over 200 for the year; representing [...]

OC STEM Hub – STEM Training

This year, our STEM Implementation Trainings changed slightly to allow for an ongoing cohort of participants to build on the content and experiences of previous meetings.  This year we are focusing on Project Based Learning (PBL) and STEM! In the total of the year, we will have six meetings and two coaching and observation [...]

Orange County STEM Factory

The Orange County STEM HUB invites you to attend the Orange County STEM Factory Professional Development Day! We are looking forward to the Orange County STEM Factory on Friday, November 4, 2016! This is an opportunity for Professional Development geared specifically for Expanded Learning providers. Attendees will get time to network with others, hear from [...]

2016 California STEM Symposium

Designing Our Future The 2016 California STEM Symposium brought together thousands of teachers, administrators, students, higher education representatives, program providers, philanthropic representatives and industry representatives to engage them in STEM education by providing strategies and resources for program implementation. OC STEM had the wonderful opportunity to present two sessions at the symposium on October [...]

Community of Practice Meeting #4

Come join us for Community Building and round table brainstorming discussions on removing the intimidation of STEM for staff, students and parents. We look forward to hearing promising practices, next step solutions, and collective next steps for our region! To register, visit & use code: “CoP”

March 18th, 2016|Categories: |Tags: , , |

OC STEM Hub Update

Dimensions of Success Planning Tool Training January’s been a busy month already for the OC STEM Hub. We held a training on the Dimensions of Success Planning Tool in early January with 37 attendees. The Dimensions of Success (DoS) tool was developed as an observation tool for quality STEM programming in informal and out-of-school time [...]