
OC STEM Initiative strengthens the workforce pipeline throughout Orange County by promoting competencies in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) from cradle to career through a collaborative network of public and private partnerships.


  • All students possess the requisite STEM skills to be competitive for 21st century jobs in Orange County
  • All educators and teachers are provided the tools and support to ensure their students are STEM competent and STEM literate
  • Orange County is a leader in STEM workforce competitiveness in California and the United States


  • Foster Orange County’s economic competitiveness and sustainability
  • Create effective partnerships between community stakeholders, including but not limited to families, education, businesses, government, and philanthropic, organizations
  • Promote STEM competencies across the educational continuum in Orange County from PreK through college
  • Prepare our children and future workforce to meet the dynamic requirements of a rapidly changing world
  • Produce college- and career-ready graduates who possess critical thinking skills and creativity that enable them to make productive choices in work and life

What Sets Us Apart?

  • Orange County possesses unique attributes to establish itself from an advantageous STEM position.
  • Orange County believes that the development of a STEM competent workforce and citizenry begin with preschoolers and continues at every step of the education continuum thereafter.
  • Orange County is a proven global leader of innovation with a competitive edge, housing a large number of pioneering high-tech and biomedical industries plus new industries such as advanced transportation, alternative fuels, medical devices and computer gaming.
  • Orange County’s possesses a diverse population, with multiple ethnicities and a significant foreign-born population.
  • Orange County offers a uniquely high concentration of research centers and institutes of higher education with STEM education and workforce efforts.